Thursday Story Strip Day.
A year ago I showed all of Bob Lubbers' ghost drawn daily and Sunday episodes of the longrunning Saint strip by 'Leslie Charetris', but actually ghostwritten by Harry Harrison. After Lubbers' run it seems Creig Flessel may have done a week or two and some Sundays, but Doug Wildey took over the dailies early in December and the Sundays soon after that. Of course, that inforimation comes from comic strip expert Alberto Becattini. Wildey started signing the strip in january 1960 and ran it till it's end in September 1961. I have many color Sunday scans from those two years, but I want to show them in the context of their stories. What has held me up, is the fact that fro the first story, I have no color scans, only some poor quality black and white copies taken from the internet. So here it is, Sudays only, the first full story Doug Wildey did.

1 comment:
Doug Wildey, very reminded as the creator of Jonny Quest (Hanna-Barbera/Columbia Pictures, 1964-65).
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