Saturday, August 01, 2015

War Is Hell (But Necessary) 14

Chapter 14

I accidentally placed the wrong story here, without the commentary. I have rescheduled it for next thursday. Instead I ma showing one of the stories I skipped. I can not show all of Chapman's stories in these few weeks (he did about a hundred, two thirds of which were from the period he was struggling with the war). This one shows his documentary style, which is also featured in Atrocity Story.

1 comment:

Diego Cordoba said...

The panels on the second page are obviously taken from photographs. Do you know if Chapman sent photos to the artists?

I know some writers who did that; for example Charlier did that with Giraud (Moebius) for Blueberry, and Hugo Pratt got a load of WWII photos from an Italian press agency and took them to Argentina when he moved there. And all the artists at the comic magazine he worked for used them.