Saturday Leftover Day.
I mentioned yesterday that Ross Andru made a surprise appearance in Comic Media's Death Valley, which on the whole was usually filled by a young Don Heck. I went back to that series and found not only that he also appeared in Death Valley #3, but that #1 was completely filled with signed Andru and Esposito stories. These issues appeared on the stand in 1953 and 1954, so I can only guess that Andru and Esposito started out on this series and decided to start their own company (MikeRoss) after #1 was finished. My Guess is the remaining stories are leftovers from number two because they would have been too busy with their own stuff to take assignments on the side. I do not have #5 from this sries, so there may be more. It is strange to see the story in #6 was noy signed. Was it inked by Mike Esposito? It looks more like the work of Rosenthall (who joined Andu and Esposito at MikeRoss signing his name Thall). That makes it possible that last story at least was done when MikeRoss went under in 1954.
After all this Comic Media stuff, I have added some of Ross Andru's work for Stan Lee in the various genre's. The first one is a typical sample of Andru's early work. Later on, it got less grotesk, making it less interesting for me.
Death Valley #1:
Death Valley #3:
Death Valley #6:
Astonishing #39:

Astonishing #46:

Battlefront #41:

Kid Colt Outlaw #92:

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