Wednesday Advertising Day.
Today two runs of twin ads. The first, the trailer twins is only in black and white. They look like the work of Creig Flessel to me. But they may also be by someone else, possibly Elmer Wexler, who is sadly quite unknown to me (except for one signed ad which you'll see if you follow the tag).
The second set of twins is better known. Dik Browne's work on The Trouble Twins is mentioned as one of the reasons he got to draw Mort Walker's new fmily strip Hi and Lois. I have shown quite a few of these earlier, some in seperate posts and some because they were attached to (color and black and white) scans of Rusty and Dusty strips. I should really gather all my Dik Brown material together one of these days.
To further confuse you, I have added another Dik Brown ad, with no twin connection. I have shown a few of these Peter Paul Playhouse ads in black and white, but here is one I made myself.

Elmer Wexler was interviewed in Alter Ego #36. One of his "Rusty and Dusty" comics ads was reproduced. I'm working on a profile of him for Stripper's Guide.
Oh, seeing this late. But that's great. I'll dig out my Alter Ego #36!
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