Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Could There Be Anything Finer?

Wednesday Advertising Day.

I just love the advertising work of Lou Fine. I know there are some, who think he sold out big time when he switched from his vituoso comic book style from the early forties to his more bourgeois slick style, but his work retained a vibrancy that made him stand out oevra ll his contemporaries while being very, very commercial as well. I understand a book about his career is in the works and I can only hope it will give as much attention to his middle years as the better documented early and later stages of his work. If not, you can always come here, as I have shown some of his best and most unknown advertising work. Such as there spot illustrations for the two weekly Going to Town feature he did in the early fifties. These scans were taken from the back of some strips I ordered from e-bay. A pleasant surprise, even though some of the edges didn't quite make the cut.

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