Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Class Apart

Before the summer I shared some of the imcomparable Alex Kotzky's work on Apartment 3G in black and white and I told you I also have alonger run of color Sundays. So here are the first few. I will show them over the coming weeks in concentrated installments.


Anonymous said...

Thank you! These are awesome!

jay said...

Lovely,I always wondered why this strip hasn't been collected in a volume.
Thanks for posting these Ger

rnigma said...

Nowadays, looking at the propped-up corpse of 3-G seen in newspapers, it's hard to believe how good it once had been.
Someone said that Kotzky modeled Tommie on Lucille Ball, and it's very evident in the fourth strip.

Ger Apeldoorn said...

Actually, I don't think the stories are very interesting. They are nowhere near the level of Mary Perkins or Adam Ames. Or Big Ben Bolt, to name another forgotten gem. I believe Charles Pelto halted the publication f his BBB reprint series because of disappointing sales and I am afraid 3G wouldn't survive either.